Posts Tagged ‘poker player’


Luke ‘FullFlush’ Schwartz banned from EPT:)

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2009 by pokercode Tagged: , , , , ,

fullflushShort story stands as follows”

Luke ‘FullFlush’ Schwartz, at the High-Roller event at EPT London is ordering a sandwich.
Eat of it but does not want to pay (cost about $ 5)
The security people are called and after a long discussion can not be persuaded to pay and is kicked out of casino.

Then, those of EPT announced that it will prohibit his participation in EPT, at least this year!

In an interview for it says: “There’s like 44 pages on the topic of this sandwich on the forums . There must be a billion spastic idiots sitting there so tilted by me for no reason at all. They’re there writing about me all day, it’s hilarious.”

“All the fucking swings in poker, the beats, the coolers, they build up after a while. So I was frustrated, yeah, but it’s still not a crime. It’s a fucking sandwich. I’d just paid like £30,000 to play in the High Roller and the EPT. That’s like £1000 in rake. Who fucking cares about a £5 sandwich? It should be free.”