
Luke ‘FullFlush’ Schwartz banned from EPT:)

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2009 by pokercode Tagged: , , , , ,

fullflushShort story stands as follows”

Luke ‘FullFlush’ Schwartz, at the High-Roller event at EPT London is ordering a sandwich.
Eat of it but does not want to pay (cost about $ 5)
The security people are called and after a long discussion can not be persuaded to pay and is kicked out of casino.

Then, those of EPT announced that it will prohibit his participation in EPT, at least this year!

In an interview for it says: “There’s like 44 pages on the topic of this sandwich on the forums . There must be a billion spastic idiots sitting there so tilted by me for no reason at all. They’re there writing about me all day, it’s hilarious.”

“All the fucking swings in poker, the beats, the coolers, they build up after a while. So I was frustrated, yeah, but it’s still not a crime. It’s a fucking sandwich. I’d just paid like £30,000 to play in the High Roller and the EPT. That’s like £1000 in rake. Who fucking cares about a £5 sandwich? It should be free.”


Texas Hold em Rules and Tips

In Uncategorized on October 26, 2009 by pokercode Tagged: , , , , , ,

Game goal is to create the best hand of five cards with seven cards.
Before dealing hands
Players will enter the game with an ante.
Players selected will determine blinds.
The first blind is called the “small blind” bet this is usually half the minimum bet amount. Thus, in a game with stakes of $ 2 – $ 4, small blind will be $ 1. However, in a game with stakes of $ 15 – $ 30, small blind will be $ 7, and in a game of $ 5 – $ 10, the small blind will be $ 2.

The second blind they called the “big blind“. It always has the same value as the minimum bet in the game, so in a game with stakes of $ 5 – $ 10, the big blind will be $ 5.

The first player on the left button will be small blind and the player on the left will have big blind.

The flop
During the flop will exhibit the following three cards, and the third, fourth and fifth. These three cards will be distributed to each player individually, but will be displayed face up on the table. However, before starting round, the dealer shall burn a card. This means that the dealer put a card in one hand. Then the dealer will split three cards displayed face up. The three cards displayed face up on the table bears the name of common cards (community cards) and can be used by all players participating in this round in order to build their hand. Area in which these cards are displayed and the table, bearing the name of table (board).
The Turn 
The turn is the fourth card that will be displayed on the game table and sixth card available to players. Some players call it “the Fourth Street”, however, the best known name is the “turn”. As usual, the dealer will burn a card and then display another card face up on the game table.
The River

Dealer will show the fifth and last card on the game table.

At this time, the table will be five cards and each player will have in hand two hole cards. The player will start with the left button. At the end of round, all players remaining int the hand show their cards.


Daniel Negreanu “Kid Poker”

In Uncategorized on October 26, 2009 by pokercode Tagged: , ,

danielDaniel Negreanu “Kid Poker”
Canadian of Romanian origin, aged 31, won 9 million dollars and all major poker tournaments worldwide.

Negreanu revelation of what we need is to become the best poker player.

Daniel was born in Toronto, in a family of Romanians. His parents, Ana and Constantin Negreanu, were established in Canada in 1967. Small, Daniel was encouraged by his parents to follow his dreams. He abandoned school when had a note needed to graduate and dedicated to the game of poker.

He started playing poker 14 years ago, while having only 17 years. Negreanu raised money to enter among professionals, winning against opponents twice older. A poker player pays his own expenses for transportation and accommodation, as well as the fee in tournaments.

Parents were excited about their son’s decision: “At first they were not agree with that, but now they are proud that I’m a successful player ” says Daniel.

At age 21 years, Daniel Negreanu decided to move in Las Vegas, the world capital of poker. So began the way to the top of the global hierarchy of poker players. “Moved to Las Vegas was the most difficult time. I had some time to meet success, but was worth it to follow. ”

Soon after he settled in the town casino, Negreanu entered in competitions. Some Losses forced him to be back in Toronto.

1997. Negreanu returns with success in competitions. At World Poker Finals tournament is named the best player. A year later, get the title of “the youngest champion in the World Series of Poker. Today, he has an nine million dollar win in poker and is a multiple world champion.

What you need to reach this level in poker? Daniel says: “First you have to be emotionally stable. As a professional, it is important to express your emotions a little more. You will also need to be able to read adversaries thoughts.

Poker professional is not based on luck, according to Daniel’s words: “In the long run, luck is a factor in decision. Of course, I can lose every day in front of a beginner. But if I have time opponent of one year, he will never be able to get winner. ”

51 hours at the table game

Poker tournaments mean more money. From such a tournament can go hundreds of thousands of dollars more or less. The highest amount won by Negreanu was 1.8 million dollars in tournament World Poker Classic in 2004. The largest amount lost was 500,000 dollars.

A game of poker involves maximum concentration and a long clearance from the player. He should not let its adversaries “read” in his attitude if he caught a good hand or not. Daniel has spent more than two days to finish one game. To be in maximum form, he observed a timetable before any match.

“The longest game that I played it held 51 hours. Never drink alcohol or caffeine and socialize before the game. I sleep a lot and spend much time studying the games of poker. “